Engine Room Overhaul


The captain and crew of the push boat Green Wave successfully overhauled their vessel’s 62-year-old engine room. “In my five years of working on this boat,” John McCullough, Regional Director of Loss Control, CMT, enthused, “I’ve never seen the engine room look as good as it does now. They brought it back to life.” The crew took the job one step at a time, beginning with a deep clean before sealing oil leaks, and finally applying a fresh coat of paint. “The guys saw the end results in their minds,” said Captain Kurt Woehler. “And the final outcome is proof of what sheer grit and determination can achieve.”

Captain: Kurt Woehler | Relief Captain: Richard Ardeneaux

Deckhands: Andy Irvin, Jason Randall, Charlie Richards, Evan Ricks, Jermaine Sutton